A few weeks ago we moved...not too far, just about 15 minutes away. Now Stephen and I are both closer to our jobs, which is GREAT! The new apartment, is VERY similar to our last one....with a few minor upgrades. Immediately after we were almost done unpacking, we put out some of the Christmas stuff. I didn't want to go too overboard since we still aren't 100% unpacked but I figured I would share a few of the hundreds of pics I have taken with my phone!
Oh Christmas Tree...

When I texted this to my mom, she called me a "wise guy"! :P

So festive!

Chewy Chocolate Cookies...SO good!
HERE is the recipe...I used wheat flour instead off all purpose!

Santa Wine Pants...

Speaking of wine - I have yet to find a more awesome place to hang our stockings!

The countdown is on!