I have had a BUNCH of jobs!! McDonalds, Ulta, Chili's, Splish Splash, The Fifth Season, Tutor Time, Tax offices, King O'Rourke.... It's nuts! But, no job has ever or will ever top when I babysat for the Sergi's!! Not only was it the longest job I ever had (5 years), but it was my favorite by far!! I miss them all already! I absolutely consider them family to me! Leaving was probably the hardest thing I've ever done!!! Joseph... Thank you for the ladybug necklace... I've been wearing it since you gave it to me! Here is an awesome picture I took of a picture of my favorite family....

And these are a few more faves...

You guys are the best.... Love and miss you mucho!!!!
--> Sessy
**Posting from my iPhone**
Made me cry. We miss you lots too!! Remember you always have a job with us if this whole career thing doesn't work out ;)