It's Kaci's new shirt I yanked out of her closet today! I'm glad grams has been leaving me these miracles on a daily basis...it is definitely helping me through these difficult times!
I just sent out a bunch more applications...and YES I did finally break down and send them out to all the elementary schools! If it increases the chances that me and Stephen get to make the move together then I am definitely in!
Ok so here are the rest of my layouts from my SUPER productive week...

The journaling from this says...
"I had my first dance class when I was only three years old!! Dancing remained a huge part of my life for the next sixteen years!!! I have so many great memories here!"

The journaling from this one says....
"Over the summer, my cousins from Florida came up to visit for two weeks. We had an incredible time going here, there, and everywhere!!! Even though I am used to Grandma sending me "signs" practically every day...this ladybug we found at the nature preserve was nothing less than a miracle!"
Awwww cute...i know!
Oh craziness...guess what!!! In LESS than a month I am done with school!!!!! Ahhh! And then I graduate on May 10th!!! And then the big day....MAY 14TH....Stephen and I leave for our cross country road trip!!! I will post the trip itinerary up here in a few days....it comes out to 21 days! AHHHHH I can not wait! Just me, Stephen, and the road! LOL! Someone needs to hose me down!
Great layouts and have fun on your trip!