Okay, well I haven't been around for a while. Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away last Wednesday 6/17. Although he was sick, fighting oral cancer for the last few months, it was still a huge shock when he suddenly took a turn for the worst early last week. The doctors had all given us a false sense of hope and I can't help but still feel like "what on earth happened"?!? So with my Grandmother passing a little over two years ago, I am just in disbelief that they are BOTH gone at this point. I have been finding comfort in reminding myself that at least they are together. My 10 year old cousin Kristen, wrote this incredible poem for Gramps and read it at his funeral...and I really would like to share it here...
Years will go by, and you won't be here,
We miss you so much, and we hope that it's clear.
As you watch us from heavens above,
We'll send our kisses, and wrap them in love.
As much as we feel sorrow,
Fragments of our hearts will always follow.
We love you with every bit of our heart,
We can't believe you left us, from us, you part.
Undoubtedly we think of you every single day,
We dream of seeing you, we wish you never went away.
We desire for you to speak our name,
Without you here, things will never be the same.