On the road again, heading for Moab! Just left Evergreen.... We had a good stay...short an sweet! I woke up at 6:30 (gasp)... Showered, straightened... And me and Stephen took a walk and took the most incredible pictures that I promise to post throughout the day! The problem is that right now we are driving and the scenery is sooooo facinating the last thing I wanna do is miss it while staring at my laptop and iphone! Trust me you wouldn't want to miss this either....

Whoa, right?!?! It just dropped 14 degrees in a matter of 15 minutes! I said they "don't make these at home!". I'll be back with more later gotta wipe the drool off of Stephen....
--> Stephanie
**Posting from my iPhone**
Mobile Blogging from here.
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